
Sound Mountain Healing

Dr. Kal Sellers, DC, MH: Founder of SMH

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Welcome to Sound Mountain Healing 

Here is what you will find on this site: 
1.  Products used in Dr. Kal Sellers' practice, convenient, easy to purchase, and competitively priced.  Click Here to go to our store

2.  Education for this decade, including discussions of different conditions as they are treated in a current clinical practice and specific guidance on the reliable uses of each product that is available from our store. 


The Sound Mountain Healing Testimony:

1. We are raw plant eaters. It is what we are designed for. 

2. Life begets life

3. Natural Medicine is best

4. Movement is important

5. Peace and joy in what ever we do is vital

6. Faith is power in any case

7. Be open and honest; love others for in this does the perfect spirit bleed through to the flesh

8. Pleasant and healthy association is as healing as anything

9. We embrace what God has revealed for our health and healing

10. We look at nature for the means and state in which to heal ourselves

11. We keep only those things which bring us joy

12. We accept and embrace our roots with gratitude, whether to learn from or to adopt those roots



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